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About Us

People Helping People United, Inc. (PHP United) is a 501(c)3 public charity.  We assist individuals and families who are considered low to moderate income, rebuild their lives and idenity.  Through their own desire, individuals who participate in our Fresh Start Program are provided the services needed to assist them in gaining knowledge, training and understaning of basic life skills, which includes managing their financial resorces.  Through our collabroative partners and service providers, this holistic program is designed to meet the needs of individuals and families which, through misfortune, have lost the ability to be self-supportive and face a perpetual struggle to succeed. Through the successful completion of the Fresh Start Program, individuals will rebuild their lives and gain their "fresh start".  The importance of a stable and positive living enviornment is a major factor in the ability to retain the "fresh start". One of the rewards that our graduates can achieve, is homeownership at a mortgage payment equal to or lower than the market standard for rent.


The Fresh Start Program provides:


  • Housing Assistance

  • Support in Developing / Reestablishing Family Relationships

  • Educational Guidance

  • Budgeting / Money Management / Credit Building

  • Job Training through Employment Partners

  • Morals / Values Education


Before entering our program clients complete an application, provide a case history, and have an evaluation to ensure our program is a good fit for them.  Once in the program, through case management and progress evaluation, each participant is held to the highest standard of accomplishment.  This insures that participants have a clear understanding of the importance of education, life skills, and career path stability, for success in their independence. 


Our ultimate goal is for our participants to secure full-time jobs, accomplish responsible financial management, and build stronger family values which can lead to the potential of homeownership, if the participant chooses.  MOST IMPORTANLY, the participant will develop a strong self-belief and understanding that they are an important part of society and they have a purpose in life, which is a gift from GOD!


People Helping People United, Inc., specializing in home renovations where

the home is more than a wooden structure, it is THE WHOLE FAMILY!


If you are interested in learning more about People Helping People United, Inc., please contact us at the link provided above.


PHP United welcomes donations of furniture, household items, and/or monetary gifts of any amount, which are tax deductible.  Volunteers are welcomed, as our organization cannot function without the generous donation of your time and mentorship.  You can be a positive influence in the future of an individual or family in your community.


PLEASE click our "Support Us" tab above to see how you can help. 



We appreciate your support!


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